Monday, June 30, 2008

How it began!

Well, how can I begin to explain to you guys my tragedy!
So I have an H1B visa, this visa lets me work in this country legally for 3 years, after 3 years the company sponsoring you, can renew the visa for 3 more years. What happens after that?! well you are kicked out of the country for at least a year before you can apply again.

Usually the smart thing to do is to get a green card, well the company after renewing the first term, told me that they started the process for me too become a permanent resident.

Well after 3 years, buying a vehicle and almost buying a condo (Thanks Wanda for saving me! :) ) they stop my application because it was fribulous!


Apparently, the 6 years of experience I gained in the company could not be used for my application.

So now this means that in Dec I have to GO! No more Income, no more America, no more all my friends here!!!!!

Well, first thing I always do when faced with shit is to make it into something more palatable!! (boy that does not sound good!! sorry one boy and one cup style!)

I decided I'm going back to school in Spain (easy decision), I decided to stop fighting and bitching about me leaving (another easy decision), I decided to start selling my shit (another....wait I HAVE TO SELL EVERYTHING UGH!)

Suddenly these two number are so important to me 220/50
What is that you say? well if your electronics do not have that in the back (220V/50Hz), don't bring it to Spain, unless you want to make your cool Xbox360 into a Dark fog machine that fires once!!

That has been the hardest part of me leaving so far (besides leaving all my friends here of course)! I just realized how much CRAP I have! I HAVE A GEIGER COUNTER! for gods sake!
(Dont ask why...if you know me you know that I'm a complete Geek)

Well here is the list of things I'm taking to Spain:
- Important documents
- All my Books
- Camera
- Video Camera
- Laptop
That it, oh wait and of course
- Broken American Dream!

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